
                                                             PRACTICE IS CLOSED

I closed my clinical practice in March of 2021 after 34 years, during which time I had the opportunity to work with thousands of Oregonians spanning a wide range of ages and life circumstances. I appreciate the help of my office assistants and the trust of many referrals sources over those years.

My custodian of records is Clary Document Management phone (763) 548-1320, They will retain all adult files for clients seen after July 1, 2014 until July 1, 2028. Files for those who were seen as children and were born after July 1, 2010 will be kept until July 1, 2038. Files prior to July 1, 2014 have been destroyed. If you are a client and wish to obtain a copy of your file, click on “release form” and download the release form. You will need to get it notarized to verify your identity before sending it to Clary:

release form

Attorneys: my psychology license expired in February 2022 and I am no longer available to provide any clinical services. You may contact me about records at the email address below.

Parties other than clients may obtain a copy of client files only if:

  1. 1)They have a HIPAA-compliant release signed by the client

  2. 2)They are the client’s legal parent and the client is still a minor

  3. 3)They have a court order signed by an Oregon or federal judge

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